One of the best parts of our visits to Hawassa are the visits we make to the homes of people we work with. During our last visit we were able to visit nine homes of people that are part of the Elsabet Initiative.

As we sat with them, we heard stories of hopelessness turned to renewed hope and desperation turned to calm confidence. One of the key elements of the program is the training which is led by a member of Ajuuja’s staff. The training covers childcare, nutrition, hygiene and even finance management.

Each expectant mother was excited to explain how, that because of the training, they are better equipped to raise a family and successfully care for themselves as they carry new life inside them. Each family has been able to acquire a goat which will be producing milk using resources provided by the program.  These goats will be the future source of milk for the babies as they are weaned and will also provide milk for the children already in the families.

As we sat we listened as the expectant parents told us about their families and homes and the hopes they have for their new babies. We talked about whether they would have a boy or girl, the names they’d chosen, their dreams for their children and all the things you’d expect parents to talk about.

The common theme we heard during the visits was the gratitude they hold for this program and for God’s provision. Some of the quotes collected are – “before we had no food”, “in the past we had nothing”, “I was drinking contaminated water, now I purchase clean water and nutritious food”, “I had no bed or blanket, now I do” and “even my appearance has changed.”

The stories we hear are always challenging and humbling. I rarely, if ever, give thanks for such basic items as a blanket or clean water but shouldn’t I?

When these ladies learned that they were pregnant they had little hope – if any. The probability of them losing their precious babies was high for various reasons but because one person responded to God’s prompting— hope has been restored and the babies have begun arriving with more on the way soon!

We are so grateful to those of you who have already responded to partner with us to be hope to vulnerable women in pregnancy. We have another set of ladies identified and as soon as funds are raised, we will launch again!

You can learn more or join us at the links below!