Suzanne (a sponsor and trip participant) shares her thoughts:
Over the course of the past nine years, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia and see Hawassa Hope in action with my own eyes. I have sponsored five different children, three of whom I still support. The youngest of “my kids” is Biruk and his story, so far, is one of blessing and joy.
I first met Biruk when he was about a year old, standing in his crib at Ajuuja. I couldn’t stop smiling as tears gathered in my eyes. He was, to say the least, unsure of this gray- haired- blue- eyed visitor who looked unlike anyone else around him! Biruk clutched an empty water bottle and stood frozen, trying to figure me out. All I knew was I loved him on sight.
As the next three years passed, I delighted in sending Biruk care packages full of things I thought he would enjoy. Because of COVID, I was unable to travel back to Ethiopia to see Biruk, but photos showed me how he was growing and changing from baby to toddler to kid
Finally, in 2022 I returned to Hawassa, Ethiopia. By then I had added two more children to my Ethiopian family and I was very excited to see all of them. I was able to spend the most time with Biruk because he lives at the children’s home, rather than far- away villages like my other two children.
As we arrived at Ajuuja, I wasn’t able to pick Biruk out in the throng of little ones that greeted us. When one of the nannies pointed him out, my jaw dropped. He had grown so tall and his sweet face was no longer that of a toddler! He was still wary of me (and all of us!), and I had to resist the strong impulse to scoop him up and kiss his adorable cheeks!
As the days went by I observed my serious little friend as he did life at Ajuuja. He was cautious but curious, warm but wary, interactive but also standoffish. He earned the title of ”Boss” from one in our group because he always looked like he was in charge! The day we left to return to the US, Biruk allowed me a quick hug and I felt such joy!
This past October I returned to Ethiopia, filled with anticipation of visiting “my kids.” My older children (about 9 and 18), were doing well and my heart soared to see them healthy and strong. I enjoyed talking with them through our interpreter and hearing about their lives. But it was Biruk who had changed the most.
I was able to see him from the window of the van and the tears came. He was definitely taller, but had the same beautiful, curly hair and braid. As the days went by and I spent time with him, I realized how much his spirit had grown! He was much more interactive with the other kids, more verbal , and generally just more outgoing and confident.
He now attends Tesfa School and seems to love the atmosphere as he runs in the play area, exercises with all the other children and even seems to follow the rules! Each time I saw Biruk, I would wink several times. By about Day Three, he was attempting to wink back and giggling.
To see how Biruk, especially, has grown since I first met him and to know he is healthy and loved means the world to me. He is hearing about God’s love for him every day from people who recognize his strengths and struggles.
In the pictures below, at first Biruk was afraid and would draw back from an offered hug. During my recent visit, he would approach me, giggle as I tickled his tummy, make attempts to winking at me and even come to me for hugs as I left.
I’ve seen this dear little boy blossom as he’s been cared for by the amazing staff at Ajuuja and Tesfa School. His life is vastly different from when he first arrived at the children’s home and I believe he will continue to grow as he is surrounded by so much love and care. I’m very grateful to watch his life unfold!

I invite you to join with me in sponsoring a child or giving to Ajuuja Children’s Home. You will also get to watch a child grow up before your eyes–knowing that you had a part in their growth and well being. It’s truly a privilege!