We are having a time of praise at Hawassa Hope for new babies born in our Elsabet Initiative!  Our moms are doing well and are full of smiles and thankfulness!

This initiative’s impact has not only amazed us but our in country staff as well. They have told us it has been one of the most rewarding things they have done and there has been many tears shed over the women and babies.

We are so grateful to those of you for having this passion and for every single person who has donated to give life!

What are the women saying?  Here are some quotes from 7 of the women while they were still pregnant.

We are very thankful to have this chance and to be a part of this. We are using money well and eating nutritious food. Before we had no such food.


I am so thankful to you. Now I have no problem. I am doing what I was told to do so even my appearance has changed. I hope my baby will be a doctor.


I appreciate your support.  You are blessed to be giving. Your work is from Heaven.


Thank you for the program. We can’t repay you.  We don’t have words to express thanks.  Previously, I had a terrible time raising two children and with this child I prayed and asked God why another baby?? Now someone is giving us a chance and hope for me, my family and new baby. All thanks to God. I will pray for you!


In the past we have had nothing. We’ve now have been able to use money to buy a goat.  This will help us prepare for future when baby comes and we will have milk from the goat.


Before we used contaminated water. Now we buy fresh water and have a balanced diet. Now I can pay for transportation and I pray that I will see my baby safely delivered.  Thanks to God that you were led to support me.


Thankful to have you here.  I am happy for this support. Please tell donors they are a very good Samaritans.  I had no bed or blanket, now I do! After food, I was able to buy them. I had no animals. Now I have a small goat.  Now I am sleeping on a comfortable bed.  This pregnancy was unplanned. I was not happy. I was praying–how can I live with another baby?  Let me or my child die. I prayed for God to help. Because of this prayer God opened a door.


Because of your support—they have training, they are given nutritious food, they have clean water and they have access to medical care. They have nurses and midwives educating them on how to care of themselves while pregnant. They have someone checking in on them. People praying with them and for them.


They have hope.


Please take a moment to look at the pictures below and see the rewards of your generosity and love!

Our staff has identified the next 20 pregnant women that are a little further out into the countryside. In these areas education and care are vital not only for the baby but for the life of the mother.


Would you partner with us to be hope to this next set of women?  Join Hawassa Hope in being hope to vulnerable women in pregnancy? The cost per woman for the length of their pregnancy is $500.  Every single dollar makes a difference.