An entire community in Bursa, Ethiopia now has clean water!


Our first visit to this site was in July 2018.

The team had a very slippery walk down to the where the water site was.

Everyone was amazed at the fact that not only did people have to walk down such a long slippery hill but also had to carry water back up that hill.

Getting the water site accessible took a lot of stone and a lot of work! The community was very excited though and work began immediately.

The October team was able to visit and was amazed at the change!

What was once a steep muddy path is now a set of stairs from both directions to the water site.  Water is now easily accessed and is uncontaminated!

180 households (about 2200 people!) are being served by Lalimo Gume Spring’s collection point. We are so grateful for all of our clean water project donors.

You have made a tangible difference in an entire community!

Thank you!