We are so thrilled to share that Ajuuja Children’s Home is now complete and the children have moved in!

It has been a long road and we are so grateful to all of you who gave, advocate, prayed and gave some more.

It was quite the endeavor to move all the furniture, play equipment, clothes and supplies–then add a bunch of babies in! PHEW! I can’t even begin to imagine what it was like!

The children are so happy with their new big space to play in. There is also a garden and showers! 

We currently have 41 children being cared and advocated for by our local staff.  This includes local adoption, reunification when possible and giving vulnerable children a safe place to live. Lives have literally been saved and changed because of their steadfast work. 

This is funded by all of our Ajuuja Children’s Home supporters.  If you’d like to be part of our monthly giving–just sign up below. There are a lot of different options!

We soon will be adding extra people (nannies, nurses and a Gardner) that we will introduce to you. 

Thank you again for standing with us and choosing to be hope in Ethiopia!